Work Experience by Colin McCarthy Mar18

Work Experience by Colin McCarthy...

It was a week that I was not sure I would enjoy. I wouldn’t say I was dreading going back to my old school; in fact, it was the opposite! I enjoyed my years in the school. However I was a bit worried that I would have nothing to do, nobody to talk to and the week would end up being very long. I could not have been more wrong! I was based in Junior Infants for the week which made me nervous as it was the only class in the whole school in which I knew nobody. My two friends Brian and Ken had been on work experience the week before and they had each other to talk to and they would help each other to settle in. The teacher Ms. Cullen, an old teacher of mine, welcomed me back along with my old principal and suddenly I felt as if I had never left! I don’t remember much of my time in Junior Infants but I’m certain that we weren’t as lucky as the infants here now. There were shelves upon shelves of toys from construction to farming and barbies to pirate costumes! The infants also have great variety in their learning. They begin the morning by getting into groups of five; then five or six learning support teachers come in and take a group with which they do activities to improve and understand the English language! For example, the infants would have to match the first letter of an object to the correct object. They then all regroup as one class and practise their handwriting and maths. When they return to the classroom after lunch it’s playtime! I had to have different areas set up, like the construction area, which included...