Starcraft 2 by Osama Shammary Apr14


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Starcraft 2 by Osama Shammary

From the start, I have to say Starcraft II is as good as you will ever get in strategy games. This game will always catch the eyes of strategy fans. It is amazing in every concept attempted so far.

Quality-wise it has done excellently, from texture and terrain to huge explosions of Minotaur class Battlecruisers. It is mind-blowing and immersing with surprising differences in terrain from map to map, including jungle, rock, lava, urban and space platforms. You can notice every detail on units and terrain, and see the drop ship disintegrate as it is destroyed,a few pieces falling to the lava below. So quality gets a 10/10

Game play is very fun and addictive and surprisingly varying between the three races. The first race is named the Terrans, the humans split apart by civil war, and without giving too much away, are mainly split into the Confederates (dead), United Earth Directorate  – UED for short (dead), the Dominion, and Raynor’s raiders rebel group: they specialise in using walkers and other tech weapons, like grenade launchers that cause concussive blasts that slow enemies down. They are the moderate race that combine a bit of each of the races. The Protoss are a very technologically advanced race of aliens that use warp technology to transport their army and requisition buildings that were previously built on a carrier, to be teleported (called ‘warping’) directly onto the battlefield around pylons, which also provide supply (called psi).