From Sean Penn to Sean Penn Mar07


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From Sean Penn to Sean Penn


Sean  Penn was once married to Madonna who as everyone knows is a famous pop-star. She has also done a bit of acting in her day, Evita being one of her better movies. Evita was Argentinian which is in South America but so is Venezuela. The president of that country was until very recently Hugo Chavez (described by Vice President Joe Biden as well as others as a “dictator”) who is famous for upsetting the Americans by being friends with Fidel Castro, nationalising the oil industry and being nice to poor people. Chavez is known for many other things; one thing he did was to show support for Iran which, along with Iraq and North Korea, comprised the Axis of Evil propounded by George Bush‘s administration.  In a movie called Team America by the makers of South Park the Film Actors’ Guild (or FAG for short) come out in support of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. The movie depicts the do-gooding actors as naive liberals who sympathise with brutal dictators and frustrate the efforts of Team America to rid the world of tyranny. The main offenders are Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, though Matt Damon is quite annoying too since all he says throughout the movie is “Matt Damon”. But one member of FAG in particular speaks out in support for Iraq: “Last year I went to Iraq. Before Team America showed up it was a happy place; they had flowery meadows and rainbow smiles and rivers made of chocolate…” That actor is the puppet version of…Sean Penn.