The Majesty of Clouds by Osama Shammary
In you I see the Earth.
When others are cold and indifferent
& I am bitten by their harshness
& the repeated slips on the fragile ice that is friendship
I turn to you, a solid foundation!
You support me & give me a fresh start
Giving me a place of solace where life is the point.
In you there is the Majesty of Clouds
Large and uncontained, yet defined in shape;
You part gracefully & the sun falls on my face
& I am given wings to join you on your Heavenly Throne
Where I feel like I belong
& I cannot turn away, mesmerised.
In you there is the moon, always there
Longed for yet out of reach;
The beauty holding me spellbound
Under your luminescent gaze.
You are always there for us to turn to
As we often do, to admire
The serenity and beauty of this celestial body –
That is the moon –
You are the sun,
Giving warmth & life to those who are lucky to be struck
By the dazzling rays full of love and care
Nurturing good in every son
The centre of all that is fun, authentic and loving:
That is what makes me fall in love with this world
Which is lucky to have you in it
Lucky to have your smile
Lucky to have your laugh.
With your gifts you replenish our stock
Of brilliant ornaments.